عندما تشعر بداخلك صوت يجبرك أن تمسك القلم وتكتب وتترجم ما يجول بخاطرك بصدق، هناك تعلن إبحار المشاعر في محيط الحياة حريتك
يا للميدان) (مطلوب زعيم ) بس دكر و(صوت الحرية) معاه وديما) (بحلم ) (ازاى) اثور على الفساد
الأسر القبطية المهجرة من العريش إلي القاهرة تطالب بالمساواة في الدعم المادي والتموين!
أغنية عايش حياتى
بمناسبة عيد الحب
وللمخطوبين واللى مجوزين
كلمات اغنية من تأليفى
عايش حـــــياتى
عايش حياتى ليك انت وبس
عايش حياتى ليا حس
بحلم بيك من زمان
ومش قادر اسيبك مهما كان
هتقدر تعيشلى انا كمان
ولا انت زيك زى الزمان
انا ديما بشغل بالى عليك
بعيش و بنام بحلم بيك
ومش عايز حد يبعدنى عنك
ولا موت يفرقنى منك
عايش حياتى ليك انت وبس
عايش حياتى ليا حس
لهفة الحب
لقد رجع الحب بيننا قبل فوات الاوان
فالحب مثل الهوى ولذة الاحلام
وانى اتضور عشقا بك
فهل تقبلين هذا معك
اتمنى ان يدوم الحب بكل معانية
لافراق ولا خيانة ولا أوهام
فالحب ليس حب رجل لامراة فقط
ولكن الحب وجدان يمتلكة العقل
ملـــــــــــــكا للانسان
تتلهف القلوب على وجودة
تتلهف القلوب على وجودة
فهو غريزة البشرية
هو لهفة العشاق
ويستمر الى بعد الممات
فالحب كائن وجودى
تنتشر رحيقة مثل الازهار
تنتشر عبيرة مثل الامطار
تنتشر حباتة مثل الرمال
وجدان معطاه وليس اخاذ
"Democratic leadership and the challenges facing the Middle East "EGYPT"
25 January Revolution has Changed Completely the Egyptian and Political Climate and that’s Because of the Egyptian Youth and Because of the Youth’s open minds towards the Modern Technology through the internet the Revolution has Destroyed Evil , Hoity and Repression represented in the Person of the previous president Mubarak who was deceiving and Narcotizing a Complete Nation. But with the will of the youth and People , these Strong holds have Fallen in 18 days.
Some people think that the Egyptian Revolution will not be Completed,
but it will be with the Strong will of the brave youth who own the abilities and talents to manage this country in the future. But the old man with his poor mind according to the gap among the generations will not understand or realize what the youthful mind means in this country but we forgive them some how because they lived in a period of intellectual impairment and decay of nearly 30 to 60 years , the period where is the military judge only without considering the cultural a wares, having the leadership skills and without the intellectual development of the Technology Education and Knowledge which is going on now.
And it’s time now to build the Modern civil state with the use of the democratic leadership and with the aware youth who knows all about the different branches in the various fields of life.
so , the modern leadership comes out of the youthful mind in the modern management , the meaning of the democratic leadership clears as the activity which someone practice to affect on the society and the people and make them cooperate and get involved in achieving their goal . and the leadership is a vital matter and a main demand for any experiment to succeed. The democratic leadership requires specifications and possibilities that are embodied in their leader. So these possibilities and specifications have to be found in the democratic leader?
The democratic leader is a man who believes in and hallows his people's history an doctrine and works a lot for the sake of establishing their national principles and forms from this a method in his practical life. The democratic leader can be like this through the democratic methods, knows and realizes well that his people is the maker of the last decision .so he will demand the effective, viable and meaningful participation and encourage them to cooperate with him in paving ways and putting methods that will help in achieving goals and aims.
The democratic leader also demands that his people to contribute to draw the intellectual and philosophical ideology that the people will keep with in all their life sides and aspects. They will also contribute to edit or replace them according to his people's wishes objectives and ensures their will and their social, moral and humanitarian advancement.
The democratic Leader is unlike the Dictatorship leader .he doesn’t force his people according to his will and strength but he respects them and consider them Brothers to him and Compete with them in a spirit of Democracy and in a constructive one around the matters and issues concerning the future of his people , their ideas and believes which are Flexible , permissive and non-absolute
And if he disagrees with his associates or some of his people , he does not take retaliatory actions against them as the dictatorship does. But he forgives them and continue to respect and appreciate them trying to fill the gaps of difference and achieving the unity and the intellectual coherence. And all is for the sake of people to realize their objectives.
And the democratic leader has a moderate and balanced character and far away from flurry exacerbating , tension and further. Also this democratic leader gives his people the absolute freedom to configure their relationship and their positive social, cultural, political and economic interactions that have to be established and consolidated and there are limits and powers that forms the paths of the democratic leadership that is embodied usually in the doctrine, constitution , laws and respect for public opinion ,which define the duties and rights of the leader towards his people.
Thus the democratic leader calls his people to organize themselves in accordance to those standards and draw their attention to strengthen the spirit of brotherhood, love, the best cooperation and the right to move away from fragmentation and division. So, he may do his best for the sake of his people.
Also the democratic leadership depends on distributing power and responsibility on all responsible and finding the motive for cooperation and this in turn makes the leader consult the members of an integrated unit trust and feel confidence with high spirits. but the authoritarian leadership (Autocratic) has it's own psychology as it is characterized by control and the owners of the behaviors and trends similar to arbitrary tend to this kind of leadership which depends on giving orders with an expectation to be obeyed without considering the human factors and this kind of leadership that is characterized by the authoritarianism as also characterised by a sense of grandeur and uncertainty in the behaviour of others and expecting plots from them. So they seeks for driving and managing autocratic methods in controlling, and they tell instructions in away that ensures their side away from the predicated plots, unaware that that they make the officials feel anxious . and as a result of this atmosphere filled with fury, the officials don't take any step without having a straight order with and here begin the negatives and in such a climate the officials are forced to be closed to the leader, while they are afraid and blandly. and the others go away fearing him feeling because of their sense of self esteem and this creates an atmosphere of trials and intrigues and therefore some people are punished unjustly.
And this kind of leadership pants up the mental abilities of the subordinates and kills the innovative capacity as well as the state becomes floundering from one time to another according to these policies ,And here comes up that the general philosophy for democracy is far from the authoritative leadership when it works to achieve the happiness of the community and satisfy their desires and their psychological and financial needs unlike the authoritarian leadership that relies on raising fear and intimidation to find incentives for work. And with this manual ,we talk to the readers to assess those two types of leadership to be more capable for educating people, especially in the selection of his democratic leadership .And calling for democracy should be resounding and remain as a matter of discussion as a necessity of life.
After all the forgoing it will be showed that the good leader :
is the leader who can adapt himself according to the leadership needs in every situation .When necessary he can act decisively and fast and have obedience from his subordinates without discussion .When the crisis is over, can deal with employees in a way more democratic. Can put the individual in its real size and uses the most effective method with him.
I hope to benefit from this program because it will put me on the front of the democratic leadership in the modern era in order to be meaningful in the community and changing towards democracy and collective action and access to the development of this country towards the culture and the continuing education that imposes itself is now in all fields of social and cultural rights.
And the changes that I hope to do in my country during the Next Ten Years are Some of them:
First: accept others' opinions, the most Important Factors of Success of democracy must be on the Egyptian families to accept the views of their children and Listen to them Respectfully to give an appropriate advice for both parties in case of confusion of thought between them, and religious leaders should pay attention to strengthening the spirit of understanding and dialogue in each thing related to the religious problems and to give advice that makes the nation intellectually coherent and without strengthening the conflict and sectarian strife that make this country fall into the abyss. And also the state should select qualified religious leaders who encourage modern thought and innovation, where the heavenly books do so.
Second: the Successful Management of the Modern State depends on the polarization of Human Resources, youth with Experiences through cumulative education and through the continuing education of the individual. And the democratic leader should motivate them and decisions are made by elected members (NPC), and he must take the majority opinion and not the monopoly of an opinion in favor of a different dictatorial opinion. Every individual in the administration have to be entirely responsible for the work assigned to him and does not make a decision on his own in when there are obstacles or problems, Solutions must be quick and instant, and to not be temporary, and not for a short time and when making the wrong decision by the management, it must be changed immediately for the benefit of people and society and this is the successful management,
And elements of the failure of the administration are cronyism and patronage and not putting the right man in the right place and not using of modern methods, which include time management and not wasting it because time management is an important factor in the implementation of the appropriate decisions at the wrong time.
Thirdly: we must bear in mind that the progress of peoples and prosperity starts through education, Education through innovation, proper training and exchange of ideas during lectures and this is vital for the student the teacher it strengthens and expands the accepted thinking of both sides, unlike the present time, when education depends on memorization in the Arab countries and especially in Egypt that is suffering from serious problems in education for more than 60 years and also the technical and industrial schools , commercial and agricultural have to be productive and able to meet the requirements of the domestic market and not to be a burden (where that is now considered these schools a burden on the state and not able to give training and education, the best of the graduate .)
Fourth: knowing that people who do not have daily bread do not have a liberty , agriculture is the most important factor for the success of three important things for building a modern state, and they are industry, trade and self-sufficiency. So agriculture is the only saver of the modern state and other countries suffering from famine and poverty (self-sufficiency is the most important factor to strengthen the state economically and nationally and industrially and commercially) with the knowledge that methods of modern agriculture should be used, which provides water in a time nearing the water wars.
These are some of the most important and hopes that I hope my country Egypt to do in during the next ten years.
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